segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2009

JESUS ANDA UP BY THE SEA. MT. 14. 22 to 33

JESUS ANDA UP BY THE SEA MT 14. 22 to 33. MT. 14. 22 --- Then Jesus ordered his disciples to enter the boat and were on, to another band, while dismissing the crowd. Jesus did not led to his disciples, but ordered that he enter the boat, but the whole direction of Jesus is an order to all those who are his disciples. And Jesus guides us to go to church, to do part of his project, his work, which has only one purpose, which is salvation and eternal life to all who believe. And guide their disciples who were on, we can not accept the Lord Jesus and be stopped in the boat of the Lord, in your church, we must go on, and be stopped many times is: 1) Be physically present in worship and not participate in the worship, because their thoughts are turned to their daily problems, deal with it can not praise and glorify God, not paying attention on the word of God, 2) Do not read the word of God, 3) Do not go to worship 3) Do not meet the guidelines given by the Holy Spirit of God, 4) be turned to material things, leaving in the background things spiritual; 5) Do not dedicate the work of God, his project of salvation and eternal life. Jesus dismissed the crowd and to get to the destination that is set for each of us since eternity, the heavenly Canaan, which is required when entering the house of the Lord let the multitude of problems plaguing us that outside, for love the one and true God in the name of Jesus, and when we are in this position the Lord Jesus from heaven there, look at you and says: Do not fear, not you scared to battle because you are facing, but not of God and your . MT 14. 23 --- And fired the crowd, climbed the mountain to pray alone, and since arriving in the afternoon, there was one. Jesus took the time to be alone with God. The secret to being successful: At work, in school, with family, emotional and spiritual life is part of the church is the body of Christ and take the time to be alone with God. If we in the house of God, is because we do not want to be fired by Jesus, because most want to be part of the crew of the boat, church, and the last stop of the boat is in heaven. It is Jesus who is in charge and we only want to surf with Christ for eternity with God. MT 14. 24 --- And the boat was in the middle of the sea, lashed by the waves, because the wind was contrary. The storm that the disciples were facing was enormous, it seemed that the boat would sink, but Jesus knew the struggles they face in traveling. Jesus said to get this boat is the church of the Lord Jesus, but he knows that this journey to eternity, through struggles and difficulties, and often, you're thinking that nothing is going well, you say to yourself , my life is wrecked. But the storm, the struggle you are facing, you will not sink, because the LORD JESUS himself who invited you to enter the boat in his church, and God is faithful. He who began a good work in your life is faithful and just and will supplement it. MT 14. 25 --- But the fourth watch of the night, went to Jesus to them, walking over the sea. Jesus was ready to give them victory, but the disciples in the midst of the storm, the fight they were experiencing were not seeing Jesus. The moment you are experiencing can be very difficult, but not leave the boat, the church, because Jesus is already moving in his direction. I do not know when will the help of the LORD, is in the early hours of the night vigil in the first or the fourth watch of the night, or tomorrow, but one thing I know, Jesus will never failed you, and at the right time and you will praise David and say, I waited patiently on the LORD, and he bent to me and heard my cry. (answered my prayer) MT 14. 26 --- And the disciples, seeing him walking on the sea, is scared, saying: it is a ghost. And cried with fear. Jesus could have been a traditional way: a ship, a huge boat, but he has help them walk on water. Jesus was showing to his disciples that, despite the difficulty is great, because the storm, he was not stopped because he walks on top of any difficulty. Jesus was showing to his disciples that he does not operate the way we determine, but it operates the way he wants. If Unwatched our blessings because we determine in our hearts, the form and manner that Jesus will operate, then we start to see ghosts, and we see that Jesus is already operating in our lives, we see the victory of the LORD. And we struggle to see where there's no fights, we see the difficulty which has no difficulty. Those men were therefore looked at Jesus and saw a ghost, and has a lot of people today, seeing what there is, in reality they are seeing ghosts, and not by faith see the hand of God, the victory of Jesus. MT 14. 27 --- Jesus, however, they spoke once, saying, "Have good cheer, I am not afraid. You may be like those men, who were servants of the LORD, but due to strong wind, the storm, they were discouraged, but Jesus is always telling you what he said to Joshua: Do not sent to me? Trying it, and have good animals, not wonder, or surprise you: because the Lord your God is with you, where you floors. If you do the work of God is in communion with brothers and with the Holy Spirit of God, the Lord covers the sky and you say you: I am with my servant valuable, I am with brave man, not afraid, because the victory will come, if at least know that your God does not fail. MT14. 28 and 29 --- And Peter answered him and said: Lord, where are you, tell me go to you over the waters. He said: VEM. And Pedro down the boat, walked on water to go to Jesus Jesus only said VEM. Jesus is always calling us to have a meeting with him, however difficult that is the moment we are living. Jesus knew that between him and Pedro was the sea to separate them, and that humanly speaking it had not come to him as Peter, because Peter was not where he supported, but Jesus knew that if PEDRO keep the eye fixed on it, and it is supported by faith, he could win any and every obstacle. Pedro was to meet Jesus, without looking at the wind, without looking at the storm, with eyes fixed on Jesus, and he walked by the same miracle that Jesus, walked on water. You may be going through struggles, due to the wind can be strong, but if you rely on Jesus, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, you walk over water, over every difficulty trying to swallow you, and still glorify the name of God for many blessings, many blessings, you could not tell. MT 14. 30 and 31 --- But, feeling the strong wind, was afraid, and beginning to sink, cried, saying, Lord, save me. And then Jesus extending his hand. Hold it, and said to him: a man of little faith, because it doubtful? While Peter was with his eyes fixed on Jesus, he walked normally, doing the same miracles that Jesus, but when he turned his eye to repair the wind, he began to sink, and so is the life of the worker of God, while he is with his eyes fixed on Jesus he is a blessing in the house of God, and all say that brother, that sister is a blessing. But when he draws the eyes of Jesus to repair in this world has to offer, spiritually, it begins to sink and everyone says how can one brother who was so used in the house of the Lord, now is doing everything not exalt God. Peter cried: Lord saved me. If at any time of our lives are dominated by fear, the struggle for power is only We call that the blood of Jesus, and say: Lord Jesus saved me, you will see that the Lord Jesus is with hands outstretched to you , hold the faith in the hands of God and walk with Christ to the cane CELESTIAL, walk to victory. MT 14. 32 --- And when the boat went up, calmed the storm. You must have a certainty that if you are servant of God, is that you have control: On the sea, the waves on the winds, the storms, on the nature and mainly about his life so that your life will not sink, because the Lord Jesus is he who submits. Jesus first brought him to the boat, then to calm the storm. And this must be the work of evangelization, speaking of the great love of God revealed in Jesus, so that the Holy Spirit touch your heart, and convince that good is being in the house of God, good is part of the work of God ; good Jesus is to have saved the heart, is good to know that Jesus calms of any fight or storm, we are facing and that only Jesus cut the gap in our lives and fills and fills our lives of joy, peace and joy. MT 14. --- So close 33 projects that were in the boat, and worshiped him, saying: You are truly the Son of God. And that is our main objective, closer to Jesus, go hand in hand with Jesus, love and bless his holy name, because we have a sure, Jesus is the Son of God. And if we maintain the position of servant in the future we are living with the Father, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD.

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