quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2009

Pray without ceasing - 1TS. 5. 17 - MESSAGE OF JESUS

Pray without ceasing - 1TS. 5. 17 - MESSAGE OF JESUS 1TS. 5. 17 --- Pray without ceasing. There are various forms of communication, radio, television, telephone, telegraph, internet, etc.. But there is only one way to communicate with God, which is prayer. Which is also described in the Bible as to implore God, invoking the name of the LORD, the LORD plead, cry to the Lord, seek the LORD. When we pray, we give a step toward God, the closer to God, and when we take a step toward God, the Lord of two steps in our direction, so the word of God says: The steps of a good man are confirmed by the LORD, and he delights are in its path. While falling, you will not be prostrate, because the LORD sustains your hands (to help raise). So we can say that we in this world, but we are far away this world, because our body is in the land, but our heart is in heaven. Jesus said: I not only prayer they (those who were present, those who agreed), but also by those who by their word, they will believe in me. Jesus prayed for all, prayed for all those who believed he was the son of God, but also prayed for those who did not believe he was the son of God. Prayed for those who persecuted him, as the teachers, the doctors of the law, the main synagogue and the priests. We must therefore, pray, entreat, by our friends and enemies. The friends of Job to him because he lost everything in life, and have lost their health, they were behaving as real enemies of Job, but Job still prayed for them, and the word of God says that the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when prayed for his friends, and the LORD said to Job twice as much on the things they once had. Pray for you, pray for your family, pray for their friends and pray for their enemies, which you pour on you a double portion of his Holy Spirit. The word of God says seek the LORD and his strength continuously, so the servant of the LORD must be always praying, always has to be in the house of God, because Jesus said he would get back to their church, so the psalmist said when he was invited, I am going when I said the house of the LORD. When we in the church, the house of God we rejoice to the Lord Jesus, because he was called in, and the joy of the LORD is our strength. The Lord Jesus is our strength, our song and became our salvation, we give him all honor, all glory and all the praise. Jesus asked that we were praying and said: He who asks receives, who seeks finds, which hits the door opens. Sometimes going to church is not ours, because the church is the house of God, and the head of the church is Jesus, and say to us even, I did not get any blessing, but only we in the church, fulfilling the guidelines of JESUS, JESUS with marching toward eternity is the greatest of all blessings. One of the responsibilities that the Lord Jesus has for each of us is the prayer for the growth of the church, and the spiritual growth of its members. This responsibility to be constantly praying for his work, he went: For the pastor of the church, went to the deacons, went to the workers and also passed to all members of the church. Jesus said, pray or pray to the LORD GOD is SEARA that send harvesters for Seara. The Lord Jesus is telling us that, so there is growth of the work, you must pray the people of God. Jesus also said that all that praying ask, we receive and believe him here. The son of a crazy man was having an attack epileptics, it is up to Jesus and says to Jesus: If you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us, Jesus answered him: If you can believe, it is possible to believe that, he replied, Lord I believe, but help me in my unbelief. If you believe you'll see the sky, the angels of heaven up with your prayer and bringing down the response of the LORD. If you want to be a winner, and be blessed, for God says in the name of JESUS, I believe, but help me in my disbelief, as we are saying to God I believe sir, but I am a human being, and sometimes I fraquejo, but I believe SENHOR strengthens my faith. The work of God and for those who believe, and for those who have faith. Every prayer to God, must be made in the name of Jesus. The Lord Jesus said: And whatever you ask in my name, I will, to the Father (GOD) is glorified in the Son (Jesus). And if we are doing the will of God, and praying according to the will of God, He hears us and answers our prayers, but we must persevere in prayer. There was a great drought in the world, and no rain for three years and six months, Elias received a word from God saying, vai rain, but had not rained, and Elias continued persevering in prayer until the time that rain fell. So the word of God tells us that we must seek the LORD and his strength continuously, as is said, Pray without ceasing, to pray and receive the blessing you receive the blessing continue praying, because we achieve the greatest of all blessings, which is to achieve salvation and eternal life in Christ Jesus.

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